Podcast – Food Safey Culture: what you need to know for BRCGS Standard Issue 9.

Series 3 Episode 1 – Food Safey Culture: what you need to know for BRCGS Standard Issue 9. Series 3 Episode 1 – Food Safety Culture what you need to know for BRCGS standard Issue 9. 1. Introduction This episode focuses on the importance of building a positive Food Safety Culture (FSC) to support an …
Top 10 reasons for implementing a Learning Management System

Top ten reasons for implementing a Learning Management System Here’s a list of some of the advantages your firm could gain from implementing a learning management system! 1. Deliver consistent training easily It is simpler to provide training materials because all of the assessments and training materials are kept in one place. Additionally, this process …
The difference between Linear and modular HACCP plans

The difference between linear and modular HACCP plans The difference between linear and modular HACCP plans 1. Introduction Every food business in the UK must have a HACCP (Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points) plan to comply with food safety regulations and ensure the food you produce is safe for consumers. A HACCP plan outlines …
What is food defence and vulnerability assessment?

What is food defence and vulnerability assessment? What is food defence and vulnerability assessment? What is food defence and vulnerability assessment? 1. Background As we know BRCGS Global Standard Food Safety Issue 9 has requirements for sites to undertake food defence and vulnerability assessments. These requirements are not new but what is new is that …
How do values and behaviours improve food safety culture?

How do values and behaviours change food safety culture How do values and behaviours change food safety culture Values are the overarching principles that dictate our behaviour. Behaviours are the way we act or conduct ourselves towards others based on our values. When it comes to the workplace, values and behaviour have a huge impact …